
Wind Power and Renewable Energy Policies: What is Best to Reach 100% Renewables? – WWEA Webinar, 14 May, 2020

Wind Power and Renewable Energy Policies: What is Best to Reach 100% Renewables? – WWEA Webinar, 14 May, 2020

100% Renewables Main Key to Achieve SDGs – Keynote speech at 10th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development, Bangkok, October 2019

100% Renewables, a main Key to Achieve the SDGs, Bangkok, October 7th, 2019

Präsentation BASF

Energy Management, Vortrag von Dr. Georg Degen

Naturnahe Kreislaufwirtschaft

Naturnahe Kreislaufwirtschaft mit nachwachsenden Rohstoffen