
Fachgespräch CO2-Senken

CO2-Senken für mehr Klimaschutz – Sind weniger als 350ppm CO2 möglich?

Fachgespräch CO2-Senken

Fachgespräch CO2-Emissionen senken mit Agrokraft GmbH

Fachgespräch CO2-Senken

Biogasanlagen als CO2-Staubsauger, Fachgespräch mit Jaqueline Daniel-Gromke

Fachgespräch CO2-Senken

Kohlenstoffsenken in Trockengebieten – Potenzial, Herausforderungen, Beispiele, Fachgespräch mit Dr. Anneke Trux

12/2009_English_Will this work? Is it realistic?

In 1971 I had just gotten my high-school diploma. Shortly after we had the first oil- price crisis and the Club of Rome published the Limits to Growth. As a young student I felt closely linked to the rebellious, relieving, and questioning ideas of the German student revolt of 1968 and I wondered how the problems of tighter resources and destruction of nature could be overcome. I realised quickly that one of the main dangers to our world was the use of the fossil and atomic resources. Suppression, exploitation, spoiling the natural environment, and conflicts about oil were already on the agenda in those days. I realised more and more during my studies of physics the problems associated with the use of the atomic energy; I could not simply believe in the many ‘atomic’ claims expressed by my professors and put them into doubt. This was complemented in the early 80s by the awareness of the drama of global change.

Plenarprotokoll der Umweltdebatte vom 11.11.2009

Plenarprotokoll der Umweltdebatte vom 11.11.2009

Bewertung des Koalitionsvertrages

Der Energieteil des schwarz- gelben Koalitionsvertrages ist geprägt von den Interessen der großen Energiekonzerne. Union und FDP erweisen sich als willfährige Handlanger der Atom, Kohle und Mineralölkonzerne.

Rede EPIA in Hamburg

The major crises confronting the world today – the global economic crisis, the climate crisis, the energy supply crisis, the wars over oil and the peace crises revolving around the desire for nuclear weapons capability – are all connected with the problems of our present energy supply system. It is not without reason that the outbreak of the financial crisis coincided
precisely with the temporary peak in the price of oil. Millions of homeowners in the United States were suddenly unable to meet the interest and principal payments on their toxic loans when their heating and gasoline costs more than trebled within just a few years.

BMWi Energievision 2030

BMWi Energievision 2030